The HLCA continues to work to engage officials who can help support efforts on Hudson Lake. WE HAVE:

  • given tours to various DNR resources and our LaPorte County commissioner,

  • engaged the Hudson Township Trustee, the LaPorte County Road superintendent, and New Carlisle Fire Department chief,

  • regularly attended monthly LaPorte Drainage Board meetings to report on Hudson Lake – a monthly agenda item, and

  • sponsored community meetings and 

  • a DNR Hudson Lake community informational meeting, 

Our reach needs to be greater.


HLCA and the Indiana DNR have only so many resources and available funding, we need to start identifying, engaging, and tapping on county, local and state officials to support efforts of Hudson Lake – holistically. We need to secure their support and voice for our endeavors. We need to put Hudson Lake back on the map and in their line of sight. Hudson Lake has been a somewhat neglected community and resource. It is time for that to change.


Work with HLCA and team members to identify, engage and work with officials in their gaining understanding of the needs of Hudson Lake and its community. There is funding at all levels that can help our efforts – we need to identify and secure them for our lake and community.

It takes a community to keep Hudson Lake healthy and enjoyable. Anyone interested in working on This PRoject, please reach out to us at info@hlcaindiana.com.

Give Where it Counts.

Life happens at the speed of “Oh My Gosh,” so if you are tied up with the day-to-day, perhaps you could become a supporter of projects that are dear to your heart!


Invasive Weed Control


Engaging Academia