Assets, external links, & money matters.
We are made up of volunteers with a passion for the area and all that it has to offer.
We live, work, and play in and around Huson Lake and are vested in making sure that we represent everyone’s interests in keeping it available to whoever feels the need to enjoy it now and into the future.
We have compiled a collection of informational documents that you may find interesting. These documents have relevance to many aspects of what is happening in and around Hudson Lake and the surrounding community. Some of the information is historical, and some are of the moment, so browse around and find something fun to read.
It's all about the links; no, we are not talking about golf. People often look for supportive information relevant to what is happening with the HLCA, Hudson Lake, and the surrounding community. We have collected a few of those links here so you can click through and have a look for your viewing pleasure. As we obtain others, we will add them to this section, so be sure to check in occasionally to see what other bits of information we have added!
It’s all about the dollars and cents. We have been entrusted with the dollars, and we have the good sense to use them where they can have the most impact in our efforts to protect and nurture Hudson Lake. The funds are grants, donations, and membership fees that go towards the upkeep and preservation of Hudson Lake and its vital attributes. All of these monies and their use are public information, and we have collected them here so you can have an opportunity to see where those funds are applied.