Engaging Academia

It is important to grow the future of Hudson Lake as well as leverage all we can.

We can work with HLCA and DNR to engage schools to enlist STEM students to coordinate hands-on activities that can benefit the students while providing resources for data collection, etc. Think of the lake as a live lab for students. We can look at possibilities to build feeder programs to universities with SPEA programs – help set up curriculum for dual credits with goals beyond education but also building a youth pool of future stewards of the lake. Students can also work on any relevant HLCA project. Project skills are transferable to a host of efforts.


This project is still in conception mode. It is critical in the sense of sustainability of all that HLCA and the Hudson Lake community efforts as being stewards of Hudson Lake.


It starts with a leader and a vision to build out this project. Work with HLCA and team members to plan and execute these concepts.

It takes a community to keep Hudson Lake healthy and enjoyable. Anyone interested in working on This PRoject, please reach out to us at info@hlcaindiana.com.

Give Where it Counts.

Life happens at the speed of “Oh My Gosh,” so if you are tied up with the day-to-day, perhaps you could become a supporter of projects that are dear to your heart!


Engaging Local & State Officials Support