Event & Status REPORTING
Tell us about it.
We are few in number but very passionate about keeping Hudson Lake in the best possible shape for everyone to enjoy.
Because we are limited in personnel, we ask our friends and neighbors to help us keep a vigilant watch on everything that is Hudson Lake so we can react where we have to in a timely fashion.

Help us in our efforts
It’s impossible for our staff to be everywhere all the time, so we rely heavily on your ability to send us information to effect change in all areas around the lake. If there is an issue you have noticed that you feel we need to address, please feel free to use this form to let us know what the incident was, when and where it happened, and who or what was involved. We will contact you to discuss the matter further as soon as possible. Thank You for your assistance.
Status updates related to Lakeshore Drive, public ramp, drain, ditch and other sites are also entered here.
This is the official source of lake incidents for HLCA to be shared with the DNR and La Porte County Drainage Board. This data is considered private for official use only. Submissions are confidential - contact information is collected for verification, follow-up, and legitimacy purposes. Data will be compiled and shared at a summary level with appropriate entities. Data will enable a better understanding of Hudson Lake’s usage and challenges.