Drain Management

The drain management team IS selected based on qualifying experience.

They are a named group that will have THE authority to open, close, service, and maintain the Hudson Lake Drain. Other duties for the drain and ditch would include removing debris or closing the ditch gate when necessary.  


The Indiana DNR and HLCA are to engage in a formal agreement for the management of Hudson Lake drain. Specific roles, responsibilities and processes will be defined. When private property is traversed, HLCA will do its best to notify owners and be respectful to easements. Appropriate liability insurance will be put in place.


The drain team and leader have been identified. Others have been identified to keep the lakeside of the drain clear of debris and/or maintenance of the ditch, specifically clearing debris and keeping the gate secured.

It takes a community to keep Hudson Lake healthy and enjoyable. Anyone interested in working on This PRoject, please reach out to us at info@hlcaindiana.com.

Give Where it Counts.

Life happens at the speed of “Oh My Gosh,” so if you are tied up with the day-to-day, perhaps you could become a supporter of projects that are dear to your heart!


Serving on the HLCA Board or Being Project Manager


Invasive Weed Control