Hudson Lake Conservation Association – AUGUST 2024 Update

Happy Labor Day! Summer is coming to an end. Time to get all those last boating moments on the lake! The HLCA has been busy. Lots of updates to share.

Here are the covered topics:

  • HLCA Public Meeting – tentative date

  • HLCA New IRS Charity Designation

  • Lake Levels & Drain Management

  • Taylor Ditch

  • LARE Grants

  • Merchandise Available on Website

  • Volunteer! Donate!

HLCA Public Meeting

Our next public meeting is scheduled for mid-November. We will post details once confirmed.

HLCA new IRS Charity Designation

HLCA is a designated IRS 501(c)(3) organization.

For years, HLCA has been a recognized charity by the state of Indiana with an IRS charity designation of 501(c)(5). As of January 2024, we are now a designated IRS 501(c)(3) organization. We will no longer have memberships/dues. Our support will come from charity donations from all (businesses and individuals) who want to preserve Hudson Lake’s health, water quality, navigability and use as an all-sport lake. Contributions to these efforts can still be made by check or on the website. See further information below.

Our suggested family support contribution for 2024 is $50 per household. We do not want to put any undue stress on our sponsors so please give what you can. $10, $20, $25 contributions are greatly appreciated.

If you paid membership dues or other donations in 2024, please know they are all considered charity donations. All charitable gifts are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.

Lake Levels and Drain Management

The drain is closed. Hudson Lake was hovering around 5 inches above the weir until this latest heat wave. We are now at 3.5 inches. The low level of the lake reflects the challenges the lake faces when spring water is drained, and Mother Nature delivers a dry, hot summer. There is still much work to do in striking a better balance in managing the lake levels and incidents around the lake.

The ToltHawk required maintenance and therefore, was not in service from early June through part of July. It was reinstalled on July 15th. Another calibration was completed on July 26th. Three calibration readings were done – one from the device, one from the device location on the west side of the lake and one from the drain on the east. 9.6 inches, 10 inches and 10.32 inches respectively. That’s an acceptable deviation, less than ¾ inch spread. The lake levels are available on the HLCA website via a link to the ToltHawk.

The Drain Management Agreement discussions between the DNR and HLCA continue with the goal of completion in the next couple of months.

Taylor Ditch

The Hudson Lake Conservation Association attends the monthly LaPorte County Drainage Board meetings. HLCA gives a Hudson Lake Report at these meetings. HLCA has been working with LaPorte and St Joseph County Drainage Boards to understand how we can help to ensure the Taylor Ditch is maintained.

When the drain was opened in the spring, potential issues with the ditch surfaced. Taylor Ditch spans the 2 counties and is maintained using tax dollars from Hudson Lake and other communities. The goal is to understand lines of communication required for an efficient process for its maintenance by engaging the impacted Hudson Lake community.

Discussions with the DNR also took place – there might be a drone they can use to provide some key data. The HLCA is planning on bringing stakeholders together – the DNR, the drainage boards of both counties and a couple of impacted residents. We’re considering a tour as we have done on the lake with others – but this time, a tour of the ditch. This should help us understand our tax dollars spend and keep the Taylor ditch in good condition. Stay tuned.

LARE Grants

The Hudson Lake Conservation Association has completed work with the Lake and River Enhancement Program (LARE) to finalize specifics for the sediment removal projects on Hudson Lake – the public ramp area as well as the southern channel between the east and west. Bids have been received and efforts are moving forward. The goal is to start the sediment removal projects late this fall. The process is a suction vs. mechanical. Thus, providing the greatest protection to the lakebed.

Sediment removal will be an ongoing project for Hudson Lake. The desire is to provide navigability to most if not all areas of the lake. The original study done in 2021 focused on the west side of the lake. A grant for a new study will be pursued to include more areas. Some lakeside residents have already shown interest. These efforts take time and money. Financing is still being sought. Please donate.

The annual Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan (AVMP) plan and invasive species treatments continue. We have some great news! One of our 2 invasive species was present in such low quantities that we did not have to treat it this year! Eurasian watermilfoil (EWM) was held at bay with the new treatments that were applied over the past couple of years. It is always good news when we don’t have to put chemicals in our lake. Starry stonewort (SSW) invasive species is still prevalent and was treated per the data collected from the AVMP study. A second treatment for the west side of Hudson may be required – at this moment it is strongly recommended. If we do a second treatment, our match goes up significantly as LARE SSW grants cap at $5,000 annually. Therefore, HLCA’s matching portion goes up to over 50% for this second round. These treatments are critical and in need of your financial support. Please give. Missing treatments leaves our lake more vulnerable to SSW spread and thus can exponentially increase our yearly spending.

These invasive plants have been known to starve and destroy lakes. There are property owners on the lake that have witnessed firsthand how these plants took over an area off their shoreline and then the positive results of keeping these plants at bay by these treatments. We wish we did not have these invasive plants, but we do – ongoing treatment is the only option.

Merchandise Available on Website

We have some fun Hudson Lake merchandise for you! Travel mugs, coffee mugs, hoodies, hats, and t-shirts. We’ve gotten thumbs up on the travel mugs. Check it out!

Volunteer! Donate!

As you can see, HLCA has a lot of efforts underway and welcomes the community to get involved. We are seeking board members and project leads. It takes a village to keep a lake safe, healthy, and enjoyable. Please sign up on our website or send us an email: We’d be happy to discuss our projects in more detail as well as answer any of your questions.

All these efforts take time and money. We welcome your time through volunteering and your dollars to help meet grant matching funds of 20% or greater. Use the QR Code below to donate!

A huge thank you to those who have sent in donations! We invite the rest of you to join in and help us keep Hudson Lake healthy and thriving.

As previously shared HLCA budget spikes in 2024 due to significant matching funds needed for the sediment removal. The community can only do so much so we will focus heavily on outside entities to fill our gaps. Any amount you can give towards these important endeavors is appreciated.

Hudson Lake Conservation Association Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization (Federal Tax Number 26-2891748). All charitable gifts are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.

William Sosa

A versatile Creative Lead specializing in branding, UX and UI design, web design, and traditional print.

Hudson Lake Conservation Association – May 2024 Update