Hudson Lake Conservation Association - 2024 Membership Drive

The 2024 outlook for HLCA is bright and we have significant efforts planned. HLCA membership drive has kicked off! Use the QR Code below to pay your dues or donate!

A huge thank you to those who have supported us in the past! We trust more of you will join in as you can see the progress that we have made over these past few years.

Where does your membership and donations dollars go?

To secure LARE grants for: 2008 Hudson Lake V3 Diagnostic Report, annual invasive species evaluations and treatments, 2021 Sediment Removal study and grant applications.

To grant-required matching funds: Since 2019, HLCA spent $54,125 on invasive species studies and treatments; $42,195 in LARE grants and $11,930 in HLCA matching funds. Though levels can vary due to various factors, Eurasian watermilfoil (EWM) was reduced by 30% in 2022 and 40% in 2023. The locations where it is found was also reduced; 80 locations were sampled and only 2 had EWM. That is down from a high of 48 locations where EWM was found years ago. Starry stonewort (SSW) first showed up in 2017. It is a very aggressive weed. It grew to be present in 30 locations out of 80 by 2019. With double treatment (two times a year) the levels went down to 10-13 locations for several years. We focus mostly on areas that can easily spread the weed - Little Hudson. We’ve made great progress, but it’s our ongoing treatments that keep these invasive weeds from starving and strangling our lake.

To implement a community data driven water level and drain management approach resulting in: 24x7 water level monitoring with level alerts through HLCA purchased ToltHawk device. The lake measured 12 inches over the weir this week!

Ongoing costs for: ToltHawk cloud data, HLCA website, tax filings; insurance.

What have volunteers help accomplish for free?

Greater alliance with local officials and the DNR via lake tours and informational meetings. In May, HLCA hosted a DNR in-depth presentation on Hudson Lake’s unique history. Servicing of Hudson Lake Drain; Stone added and graded on Lakeshore Drive; Website design and content.

What’s next?

HLCA budget spikes in 2024 due to matching funds needed for the sediment removal. The current $120,000 grant along with a potential additional $300,000 grant will require matching funds from $25,000 up to$100,000. The community can only do so much so we will focus heavily on outside entities to fill our gaps. Any amount you can give towards these important endeavors is appreciated.

2024 dues are $50.00. Donations beyond that are most welcomed!

You can scan the QR Code below to pay your dues and/or make donations.

You can also send a check made out to:

Hudson Lake Conservation Association

Mail your check to:

PO Box 48
New Carlisle, IN 46552

William Sosa

A versatile Creative Lead specializing in branding, UX and UI design, web design, and traditional print.

Hudson Lake Conservation Association – March 2024 Update


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