Hudson Lake Conservation Association Public Meeting

Tuesday, November 12, 2024, 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm (CT) at
New Carlisle Public Library
408 S Bray St
New Carlisle, IN 46552

Welcome and Introductions– Kevin Smith

HLCA President Kevin Smith welcomed all to HLCA’s annual public meeting. He introduced himself and the HLCA Board members in attendance: Georgette Joyce and Jim Dondlinger.

Update on Dredging Program – Kevin Smith

The sediment retention site was harvested in late October. Due to a death in the family, dredger James Schaedig’s mother, James was unable to attend the meeting and dredging was suspended until Wednesday, November 13th. The sediment site is being prepared. Once completed, dredging will start. Completion date will be on or before December 31, 2024. Grants for another study and future dredging will be sought. Submissions of these are early January. Discussions on private dredging occurred with the importance of securing permits highlighted.

Update on Weed Control Program – Justin Blotkamp

Justin shared treatments for invasive species. Great news as we only had to treat one invasive species instead of 2 – the SSW – Starry Stonewort – was treated in July. This invasive species’ presence continues to grow in the lake, so we really need to stay on this. It appeared for the first time in 2017 – the suspected source was boats using a launch on the west side of the lake.

Discussions on how to recognize SSW versus another native plant occurred. Justin was asked to look at the potential presence of SSW in the lake along the SW Southshore track area. He will do that during the next visual survey in 2025.

The use of a new chemical treatment over the last 2 years has produced great results eliminating all but a few small clumps of EWM - Eurasian Watermilfoil thus requiring no treatment in 2024. EWM sites will be reevaluated inf 2025. There are a good number of diverse native species in the lake – which makes Hudson Lake in good shape.

The meeting with LARE on October 22 nd went well and the annual grants will be applied for in January 2025. Justin had those present at the meeting fill out the annual lake survey.

Update on Lake Level Management – Georgette Joyce

Current and past lake levels are available on the Hudson Lake Conservation Association Website. We’ve shared flyers with our website’s QR codes to scan. The ToltHawk device is our data source and it records levels 24x7. Our website has graphs of the lake levels, along with NOAA data that you can access. The graph is updated monthly. The Tolthawk device had issues during the summer and was serviced – a larger solar panel was added to it. Thus, there is a 2-month period where data is missing. We lost 12-15 inches of water in the spring/early summer due to the drain being opened and evaporation. After those events the drain has been closed.

We ended October with the lake level within an inch of the weir, despite rain it continues to hover around an inch above the weir. On October 30th, the drain valves were serviced by our HLCA Drain team. This is done with permission from the DNR as well as notification to impacted stakeholders.

The Hudson Lake Drain Management Plan agreement has been reviewed and approved. The plan is now working its way for signatures by government officials. The goal is to have it in place by January 1, 2025.

HLCA continues to attend the LaPorte Drainage Board monthly meetings where a Hudson Lake Report is provided. During this past year, the potential need for maintenance of the Taylor

Ditch – which flows into and out of Hudson Lake – was brought to our attention. This was shared with St Joseph & LaPorte Drainage boards. A quick assessment was done with the goal of readdressing the needs in the fall after the harvests of the farms along the ditch. This was also shared with the DNR as the ditch’s performance impacts the drain management. The DNR offered a drone to help assess the ditch’s condition. On Wednesday, November 13 th, stakeholders will be doing a tour of the ditch. We intend to get a good assessment of the ditch as well as a process for us to be able to communicate with the various entities – drainage boards, landowners, and the DNR.

Invitation to join the Hudson Lake Conservation Association Board (HLCA) and/or Project Teams – Jim Dondlinger

Jim encouraged those present to become active in the HLCA, sharing project information as well as his own personal experience in joining the HLCA Board. The board meets 4 times a year for planning and decision making, with one annual public meeting. Efforts on projects vary based on how much time one can afford. All is appreciated. Even an hour here and there can make a difference. Jim asked people to reach out to others whom they believe would be good candidates for projects or members of the board. Jim welcomed people to check out the website for more details on current/proposed projects:

  • Dredging (Sediment Removal)

  • Lake Level Measurement

  • HLCA Website Maintenance Fundraising

  • Drain Management

  • Community Lake Watch

  • Invasive Species Control

  • Serving on the HLCA Board or Being a Project Manager

  • Engaging Academia

  • Engaging Local and State Officials Support

Financial Summary and Request for Contributions – Jim Dondlinger

Jim covered high-level expenses that the association has with regards to ongoing administration, the current drain management, invasive species and dredging efforts as well as lake-level management equipment. He encouraged people to support HLCA with the suggested annual $50 donation. Regardless, whatever people can afford or more sizable donations above that are much needed and appreciated. The success of the efforts to keep Hudson Lake healthy, safe and useable for us and generations to come all takes time, effort and money. Please be generous.

The meeting was adjourned.

William Sosa

A versatile Creative Lead specializing in branding, UX and UI design, web design, and traditional print.



UPCOMING EVENT: Hudson Lake Conservation Association Public Meeting