With the generosity of our donors, a ToltHawk water level measuring device was purchased. The device was installed in early January 2023. Water levels are captured 24x7. To supplement this data, in late spring 2023, a Community Collaboration Rain, Hail and Snow (CoCoRaHS) device was purchased and installed to manually measure and record precipitation on Hudson Lake. These data sources as well as NOAA information are periodically downloaded, summarized, and shared here. The drain status – opened/closed – is also shared here. With your input, lake events are collected to grow our understanding of what happens on the lake at given water levels. Reviewing and monitoring this critical data helps us understand how to keep the lake at an acceptable lake level.

Below is a link to our latest ToltHawk reading. Please note there are 4 level markings on the chart that show:

  • The weir height, 12 inches above the weir

  • The legal high (according to a legal plaque on Monroe's Crossing building foundation)

  • 80% of that legal high above the weir

Move your cursor (or finger on your phone) over to the date and time at which you wish to see the lake level. Take the level/stage (ft) and subtract 10.51. Then multiply by 12. The result is the level above the weir.

Lake Level at Weir - 2023

Temperature (Average ºF)

Precipitation (Average Inches)


The Hudson Lake Conservation Association continues to work with the La Porte Drainage Board and the DNR on various needs of Hudson Lake. On Monday, March 6, 2023, we compared manual measurements at the weir and the location of the Tolthawk device with actual device readings. The result was that all three were within 1/2 inch as can be seen below:

Lake Measurement Verification for March 2023

This validates the device's accuracy is within an expected deviation. We will periodically do these measurements to ensure its continued accuracy.


Drain Status

The drain has been fully closed since September 2023

Here is the sequence of events for us servicing the valve:

  • After our community meeting on Monday (9/12/2022), a resident committed to securing a proposal for servicing the valve. HLCA committed to picking up any related costs

  • At the Tuesday drainage board meeting (9/13/2022), I requested a motion for us to be allowed to work with the DNR directly to service the valve. The motion was made, seconded, and passed unanimously.

  • We received the proposal and shared it with the DNR on Monday 9/19/2022

  • That same day we got approval from the DNR to move forward

  • On Tuesday 9/20/2022, the valve was serviced. Due to the debris, it was felt that the valve may have been closed only 80-90%. The valve was cleared and greased and worked like a charm. The flow in the drain was greatly diminished.

  • Today - Wednesday 9/21/2022 - the ditch was checked, and it is dry! The valve is considered close to 100% watertight. And the drain structure at this time seems completely sound.

This is what can happen when the community comes together! Thank you to all who came to the meeting(s)! Thank you to those who volunteered.

Help us in our efforts

It’s impossible for our staff to be everywhere all the time, so we rely heavily on your ability to send us information to effect change in all areas around the lake. If there is an issue you have noticed that you feel we need to address, please feel free to use this form to let us know what the incident was, when and where it happened, and who or what was involved. We will contact you to discuss the matter further as soon as possible. Thank You for your assistance.

Status updates related to Lakeshore Drive, public ramp, drain, ditch and other sites are also entered here.

This is the official source of lake incidents for HLCA to be shared with the DNR and La Porte County Drainage Board. This data is considered private for official use only. Submissions are confidential - contact information is collected for verification, follow-up, and legitimacy purposes. Data will be compiled and shared at a summary level with appropriate entities. Data will enable a better understanding of Hudson Lake’s usage and challenges.